We are so busy with Good Company that we almost forgot to introduce our new intern Dilan to you! Although she is still studying, Dilan already has a golden hand for beautiful 3D assets. We are sure, our project(s) will benefit greatly from her talent. Welcome, Dilan – we hope you will be having a great time at Chasing Carrots! As usual, read ahead for some interesting background information…
Each March & September, a mystical cycle renews itself. The Rite of Passage for our interns, old and new. With great pleasure we look back on the past 6 months with Niklas, who was doing an amazing job as our summer intern. Yet, lo and behold, winter’s coming… in a good way! We’re super excited to have Christina from Austria in our team until spring. Here’s to bold, new adventures!
It’s been a while, and we hope you all are happy and healthy! The past months haven’t been easy, for everyone. But despite Corona, life must go on eventually. A great example is our concept artist Johanna, who just gave birth to a lovely boy. Our second production baby, by the way.
Johanna will be on maternal leave for about 6 months, so we are happy to have Katharina join our team and take over the role of creating concept art, illustrations, 2D magic! One week in, she already proved her skills, and she’s a jolly good fellow to have around. True Carrot Spirit! Now find out what she has to say about herself…
Unfortunately, we are too busy to update this blog regularly. But today it’s a must: For the next 6 months, it’s Chasing Carrots +1! Niklas joined our team for his internship. Even though the work-from-home situation due to Corona has built physical distance, Niklas already grew close to us. And we can but hope that we’ll be spending at least the summer with him in our lovely office. And now, please welcome Niklas!
It’s a pleasure to introduce a new member of our merry troupe! Please give a heartful welcome to Sophie, who recently joined us to support our art department. Besides her obvious passion for owls – her spirit animal – she has a few more interesting things to share about herself. So, read on if you’re curious…
We keep on attracting talented people from (far) beyond Stuttgart. After Marc moved here from Luxemburg, Connor from the US, and Johanna from Saarbrücken, please welcome our new intern Clara! She has temporarily left Darmstadt, Hesse, to support our 3D art department. Usually, new Carrots are happy to share some personal insights, and Clara holds up to that tradition.
Orange has obviously been a dominating color here at Chasing Carrots. Today, however, we’re happy to announce that our palette has significantly expanded. We’d like to welcome Ronja, the newest and most colorful member of our team. Wanna know more about her? Well, check out some facts below.
It was to become more than just a simple port of our debut project Pressure, and it quickly evolved into a full-time project that posed new challenges for our team at Chasing Carrots.
In the summer of 2017 we released our fun-racer Pressure Overdrive, the definitive version of our debut Pressure from 2013. Both games form the framework of the creation and development of our studio itself, from day one to right now. It was an exciting journey, albeit a rocky one, along which our team learned a lot and acquired a wealth of experience. We’d like to share these experiences, and in doing so we not only want to provide a look at the actual development of Pressure Overdrive but also to discuss what was crucial to the process.
New year, new introduction Sebastian joined our merry team at the beginning of December and dived right into a huge pile of tasks, so we had to postpone his presentation here for a while. Almost two months later, he has fully transformed into a true Carrot and perfectly contributes his various skills, which span from art to science. Glad to have you on board! Now tell us a little bit more about you…